Fabric of Life

by Ritzy Ritzhaupt August 17, 2012

Riches of gold
Feel empty and cold

Knowing love and
Heartfelt happiness
Create the fabric of Life

Giving riches of untold wealth
Making one dance within one’s self

Growing to this height
Allows one to see
Beyond themselves 


by Ritzy Ritzhaupt written February 2014 updated

Smile, it’s raining in Seattle.
Tiny little drops wash the day away.

Breathtaking moisture caresses you with soft gentle drops, that should annoy, but their tender sweetness makes you feel alive.  It had been a lovely day to be outdoors.

In Seattle it’s said, “If you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes and it will change”.  Many times that’s exactly what happens. Then, there are those days that melt your heart, certainly not from the heat, but from a glorious beauty. 

Mountain ranges and blue water touch your inner most thoughts.  It’s in one of those moments, when a rhythm burst forth deep from within the raw you.

The excitement and beauty claim your soul; your entire being, holding you in a wondrous embrace that comforts the being, to the core of its existence.

Feeling as though, one wrapped in swaddling clothes. The embrace captures the essence of whom and what you are.

Your embedded with bands of steel, giving knowledge and caring love, to the flesh that is known to be the person I think is special, a true Washingtonian.

2017 all rights reserved


This came to me in the middle of the night, a few nights before my husband died. It woke me in a flurry to find pen and a pad, to jot down what was appearing in my mind’s eye. I have shared this with a few friends that have also had big losses. Maybe it will help you as it has me. When I read it to my husband the next day, a tear slid down his cheek. If it helps anyone to have understanding or gain peace, that makes it all the more wonderful.

by Arlene Ritzhaupt

Where will I be
When I’m going to be me?
How will I know when I’m me?
Since it’s all about me?

When my color turns gray,
Will it truly be me?
Do I sing?
Do I cry?
Do I want me to be me?

Will I fit?
Can I stand it?
Will the skin be too tight?
Will it be comfy and cozy?
With my sweet home in sight?

Will I want to be me from bone to bone?
Will I say I’m happy as if I were home?
Will it fit for me, to be at home with the me that I be?

Where will I be when I’m truly me?
Will the being me be the best of the being?
Will I have earned my stripes and enjoy being me?

Can I truly be me?
For if I don’t like me what shall I do?
Can I remake me all over and new?
From scratch this time, I hope to be me.

What can I add that will make me be me?
More like the me of me,
The me I must be.
The me I should be.
The me I want to be.
The me I will be.
The me I can understand as me.

Please could you tell me, the me I’m to be?
Please give me a clue of who this me should be.
There is a me inside that’s grown beyond this me.
There is a me that’s not the me, as I know it to be.

For it follows me.
It whispers to me,
It taunts me, to be me.

But I still don’t hear what this me must be.
Tell me for sure in words that I hear.
Who is this me that I must be?

Tell me of this me that I am to be.
How can I now change this me that I be?

Now, can I muster to improve the me that I be.
For I feel the pull of the challenge to be just ME.

Written 2003 posted 2017
Arlene “Ritzy” Ritzhaupt
All rights reserved